Monday, November 15, 2010

Custom Branded Energy Products

For the last few years customized energy bar and energy drinks is becoming a be hit in the business world. One company that lets you choose the ingredients and also name the bar, is a small but rapidly growing business.The start-up company has grown sales 200% annually.

With that said you may be able to get some good marketing ideas with this new trend and be on the cutting edge for Top Of The Mind Awareness.

A few things to think about when decideing how to create that Top Of The Mind Awareness.

1# If you don't have millions to spend for branding you logo, don't do what every other company does.

2# Create a memory hook for your brand.

3# Market directly to the clients you want.

4# Create a event of things to do with your marketing plan, making it fun will enhance your marketing efforts

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cost of Impressions

The average cost per impression of your logo on a promotional product is a 1/2 cent....that is very good concerting primetime TV doesn't get those kind of numbers. Where else can you get your logo noticed for so little.