Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Great Way to Promote Your Website

Placing an ad in a magazine is good for branding your business, promoting a product or service. The best thing about having the ad in the magazine is getting web traffic and promoting your website. Now you are getting more value with placing the ad, they see your ad as long as they have the magazine and go to your website because of the ad.
Think of creative ways when you design your ad to entice them to go to your website.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Custom Branded Energy Products

For the last few years customized energy bar and energy drinks is becoming a be hit in the business world. One company that lets you choose the ingredients and also name the bar, is a small but rapidly growing business.The start-up company has grown sales 200% annually.

With that said you may be able to get some good marketing ideas with this new trend and be on the cutting edge for Top Of The Mind Awareness.

A few things to think about when decideing how to create that Top Of The Mind Awareness.

1# If you don't have millions to spend for branding you logo, don't do what every other company does.

2# Create a memory hook for your brand.

3# Market directly to the clients you want.

4# Create a event of things to do with your marketing plan, making it fun will enhance your marketing efforts

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cost of Impressions

The average cost per impression of your logo on a promotional product is a 1/2 cent....that is very good concerting primetime TV doesn't get those kind of numbers. Where else can you get your logo noticed for so little.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

See what matches can do for you

New York Times did a article on matches and how they could be a great way to promote a business.
An average restaurant goes though 20,000 book or box match a year. What if you had 20,000 match with your logo in the city you live in, do you think it would make a impact?
See the the New York Times article Click Here

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flying High Award Hall Of Fame

Missoula Business Women Network gives out Flying High Awards and Kimberly is very excited to be accepted into the Flying High Hall Of Fame. I her husband get's to write about and I'm very excited to do! In fact I filmed her acceptance speech at the event which was a lot of fun! GO KIM
To read her acceptance speech go to

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Anti-Microbial Buddy Pen™

This is amazing!
What are they going to come out with next. You can see what the pen looks. It is a USA made pen with a wide body and soft comfort grip.
It's great for anybody that likes to KILL GERMS!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Teen Challenge Event

Want to watch a cool show! This will be a great event to be at.
The events will be held at Wilma Theatre in Missoula with first event being a youth matinee and the second event will be a dinner theater. What a great idea to bring the family to the Wilma Theatre, watch the show and have some good food! All the proceeds will go to helping Teen Challenge of Montana meet it's financial goal for the year!

Monday, January 18, 2010

National Write A Letter Of Appreciation Week

Want to reconnect with your customers with a cause! How about sending them a pen with your logo on the pen and encourage them to use the pen to write somebody a note of appreciation on National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week. March 1-7th