Friday, March 27, 2009

Four Factors of Successful Promotions

#1 Audience-appropriate products
The most compelling marketing message in the world will be lost on the recipient if the promotional item itself is not appropriate to the targeted audience
I will have the second one tomorrow

by David Blaise & Maria Carlton


  1. #2 Effective Marketing Message
    To often, promotional products convey only company names or logos without any strong benefit statement, advantage or call to action. It generally costs no more to add these things to the imprint, but the effect it can have on the entire campaign is dramatic

    by David Blaise & Maria Carlton

  2. #3 Targeted, Qualified recipients
    Very few companies can afford to market to everyone. So each promotion should be geared toward the individuals most likely to generate positive results for you

    by David Blaise & Maria Carlton

  3. #4 The Right Time
    It has been said that the difference between salad and garbage is timing. This is true of marketing. The perfect marketing message delivered either too soon or too late will not produce the desired result.

    by David Blaise & Maria Carlton

  4. I would like to touch a little bit on #4
    We have a customer that had their marketing pc, which happen to be a logoed mug and full of logoed pens.
    The person said to our customer that they got his number from the mug and pens and to this day is a great client for our customer!
    That is what we are all looking for it's it!
