Monday, January 31, 2011

Tradeshow Idea

Check this out...what if you had floor graphics to put on the floor at your next trade show. There is a lot of cool things you could do with those, tell them where you are at the show, promote your booth, let them know what you are promoting at the show to list a few.

You would have to make sure you have the right floor graphic and adhesive for the floor you are applying it to and ask the show producer if it's ok to apply them to the floor.

Call if you want to know where to get these floor graphics.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Valentine's Promotion

What would happen if you created a 3 week promotion around valentines for you customers? Lets say you sent them a card and heart shaped magnet on week 1...on week 2 send them a pen with heart shaped top and on week 2 a bag of logoed M&M's.

Ok you get the idea, the goal would be to let your customers know have much you love their business, by doing something 3 weeks in a row just before Valentines day it would prove to them it was a planned event and there is a good chance you would out do your competitors.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get Attention At Tradeshows

There was a company that had a booth in Vegas and they where giving out yoyo's at the event. The yoyo was the most popular item at the event, they said that people where asking (which booth is giving those away)
Be creative and put together a great promotion for your next tradeshow, you will be glad you did on the day of the event.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Montana Outdoor Connection

Want to promote a Non-Profit that is related to hunting, fishing or the outdoors for free? We are sending 50,000 copies to one of the biggest sportsman's show on the east coast. Checkout it is a great outdoors expo.
What we are doing for the non-profits is they can have a article or a ad of their choice in the magazine.