Saturday, February 12, 2011

5 Things To Help You Trade Shows Be A Success

We all can have a booth at a trade show and not get great results, so its very important to plan how and why this show is going to be different.

#1 Make sure your business fits with the attendance, what percentage of the attendee could do business with you.
#2 Plan on whats going to happen at the show, have a detailed plan on how you are going handle every aspect
#3 Are you going to have a promotion to give people a incentive to do business with you.
#4 Have a list of question on how you are going to qualify the person coming to your booth, if the don't qualify how are you going to get them away from your booth, if its a busy day you only have so many minutes in a day and its important you don't waste them.
#5 Book a meeting with the prospect at the show to followup with that person to get the best results. The once you don't book a meeting with plan to followup in 48 hrs.

If you want to go the extra mile and do what most companies don't do, email them a thank note thanking them for coming to the show and stopping by your booth.

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